Saturday, August 29, 2009
They do not contribute what they voted for others to pay, because they are "SCHOOL TAX HYPOCRITES." They want schools to be funded as long as someone else pays the majority. Likewise, due to the absurdity of allowing those who do not own property to vote on property taxes, many who promote increased taxes pay nothing. This would include renters, owners of tax abated commercial property, young voters living with parents, extended family sharing a residence, etc. Most disturbing is school personnel that promote more tax while living outside the tax district.
Stop vilifying overburdened homeowners. What a terrible message to send to young people. "It is more important for you to pad your budget to increase teacher and administrator salaries and benefits, than it is to concern yourself with your grandparents being forced from their homes by confiscatory property taxes."
Our politicians must be forced to change the unconstitutional tax mode being used to fund schools. The school tax hypocrites are preventing the very tax reforms that would fairly and fully fund our schools. Blame them for the failed tax levy. Frankly, it is time for the school tax hypocrites to put-up-or-shut-up. To still contribute nothing more, after you voted for others to pay more property taxes, is dishonest. It is as hypocritical as our unconstitutional tax code that unfairly distributes the tax burden.
Steve Mitchell
Zanesville, Ohio
Thursday, April 30, 2009
We all must live within our budgets
People are losing their homes, the food banks are empty, unemployment is 13 percent, and the dollar is losing its value. Each household must cut back to the bare basic. You might want to call city hall and ask for the money they throw away. Skateboard parks for 30 young folks, Secrest Auditorium, Gant Stadium, etc. This mess has to stop and you must live within your budget and stop the scare tactic at every election.
We have given a large amount of money for new schools, new furnishings, new equipment and the blood of this community. The schools must get away from this tapeworm attitude.
Michael Wyatt
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Don't allow levies to tax us out of our homes
School officials continue to use friendly-sounding terms that usually begin with "It's only a few cents a day," or "It's only a few dollars per month," to make it sound like their levy will only have a trivial impact on people and say it's all about the kids. While, we all know that just isn't true. If all three of the school levies pass, the school officials will be financially set for years while most of us will be forced to make substantial sacrifices and adjustments to our budgets and lifestyles. I say there're too many people in our community who take pleasure in promoting every school levy that comes along and believe they know how to spend our money better than we do. Regardless of what your home value is, will you have the hundreds of extra dollars you will need to pay your property taxes? And, more importantly will you be able to continue to pay the new taxes if you or your spouse lose your job(s) or income(s)?
I think it goes without saying, if we managed our money like the school officials manage our tax dollars we would all be in the same financial situation and crisis they are in today. Please don't allow these people to tax us out of our homes. Enough is enough.
Steve Mitchell
Monday, April 27, 2009
Think of the children
Twice lately the West Muskingum levy has been voted down by the democratic majority, but as many times before, through a special election, the board is trying to get it passed. I admire their efforts but they are focused wrong. They should join me in pushing our state legislators to solve the unfair school funding issue. I know that will probably not solve our district's problems, but somehow over time we have let our state government create a revenue monster for our schools.
Gov. Strickland admitted it is confusing to explain our current system. He boasts about our state spending $13 billion last year on new school construction. He asks for input, so I want to suggest we involve a statewide panel of educators to design a generic school building that will fit all needs. It could be added to as needed for bigger school districts. One hour could be added to each end of the school day to make a four-day week. We should do away with school boards because we already pay a superintendent for those responsibilities.
The panel would want to go through the plans for Hopewell, which was built in 1933, and through all these levies has no air conditioning.
The TR is supportive of all levies, not desiring to call our legislators to task. The TR even said if a child is killed walking to school it would be the fault of every voter in this district. This out-of-this world remark must have come from Uranus or another planet.
At the start of America's democracy I'll bet those people who threw the unfairly taxed tea into the Boston harbor were "thinking of their children."
Let's all please get out on May 5 and fill our democratic obligation.
Jack L. Strong
Friday, April 17, 2009
Fight the socialist educators; defeat levies
Did our children become stupid? Did our teachers forget how to teach? No! People like Cecil Rhodes in the late 1800s, John D. Rockefeller in the early 1900s, John Dewey, the father of modern, progressive education, in the 1930s, and terrorist teacher-educator William Ayers of today planned the "dumbing down of America" in order to establish a socialist society and a one world government.
In 1933, atheist John Dewey co-authored the Humanist Manifesto. On Dec. 5, 1928. he wrote in The New Republic, "The task of the school (his favored Russian model) is to counteract and transform those domestic neighborhood tendencies. ... the influence of home and church... The institution of the family is being sapped indirectly rather than by frontal attack. ... All sorts of groups are instituted that militate against the primary social importance of the family unit."
Dewey viewed the role of education as socializing children rather than educating them. His biggest supporter was and is the National Education Association. In the NEA Journal published in January 1946, Joy Elmer Morgan (Journal editor from 1921-1955) wrote, "At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession."
Today, the NEA supports abortion, the homosexual agenda, the radical feminist agenda, and the United Nations' globalist agenda. It opposes all competition, especially vouchers and home schooling.
The education bureaucracy has an agenda to globalize our children, not educate them to be independent thinkers. Their values are anti-family and anti-Christian.
Our schools receive more money per student than any nation in the world, yet we are not in the top 10 education-wise. They will continually demand more money, but resist any changes such as consolidating districts, using virtual online teachers, or cutting salaries. They want your hard-earned money, but without any personal sacrifice.
Demand change. Vote no on the school levies.
David Zaverl
Monday, April 13, 2009
West M at it again
My advice to West is to accept your fate and do what you can to get by or try a different route. Maybe you need to change your administration and see if that works.
Eric Smith
Higher taxes on the way
Now if you haven't purchased your T. Boone Pickens stock in wind mill generators, you are already behind these people who are pulling the biggest fraud in history. Billions if not trillions will be made because it will affect everybody in the developed world. Climate fluctuations have been recorded for centuries and the global warming we saw before the year 2000 was the tail end of a warming cycle which has stopped and is reversing itself. Nature, not man, produces changes in the climate.
Another scary thing is the threat by the new czar of global warming to reduce voltage if there is a heat wave this coming summer so you cannot run your air conditioner. She said they did this in Socialist Europe in the year 2003 when there was a heat wave. She failed to mention that 30,000 people died from heat stroke that summer and millions of pounds of frozen food spoiled.
Carbon dioxide is the base substance for production of our food supplies through the carbon cycle. The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the higher yield in crops. Oceans are the number one cleaner of the atmosphere followed by forests and grass fields and then the farmer. Obama should take his $645 tax increase and give it to the farmers and those who grow any form of plant life.
H.J. Lewis
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Only Option by Ramon Contreras
When the voters defeated the schools' previous levies they didn't mean, "Please put the levies up again - we like them." They meant, "The schools must learn to live within their present budget ... No more levy attempts ... No means no ... Make the cuts as you said you would."
It's wrong for the schools to propose a tax increase when so many people from the community have just lost their jobs and so many others are just struggling to hold on to their jobs, pay their bills and pay their mortgages. School officials only see dollar signs when they consider the taxpayers and they don't seem to care about the financial well-being of anyone but themselves.
Think about what it means to have to pay property tax. Essentially, it means we can never actually own property. In all but name, the state owns our property and we merely rent it from them. Don't believe me? Try not paying your property taxes and see what happens. The same thing that happens if you stop paying your rent. It's sad we have to pay for the privilege of living on our own land. Where will the money come from to cover the exorbitant tax increases they propose? As a homeowner, it's probably going to come from your household budget. Do you have an extra $30 to $70 dollars a month to pay to keep from bring taxed out of your home?
Taxes are the symbol of coercion over individual choice and the triumph of the school districts' bureaucrats over its residents. Regardless of how much the new levies might cost each person, if you add that amount to our already high property tax bills its just way too much. To save their homes and lifestyles the property owners must get off their backsides, go to the polls and defeat all the levies. This is the only option.
Ramon ContrerasZanesville
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The West Muskingum Zombie Resurrects Yet Again
If at first you don’t succeed…
The annual failure of the West Muskingum School District hasn’t tempered their desire for more money. The cost of public ed for one child for one year is more than a year of tuition at OSU, but it’s not enough. People are losing their jobs to other countries, but it matters not. The National Education Association is continuing to push a liberal, gay-rights, anti-Christian ethic on our children in public schools at taxpayer expense, but they need more money “for the children.” The people have said “No” over and over again to school levies in today’s depressed economy, but the levy’s like a zombie that just won’t die. It resurrects in May. Let’s kill it again!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Stop the over-taxers by Steve Mitchell
People everywhere are losing their jobs, their 401Ks, their homes and hopes of a secure retirements. Families are being forced to cut back, trying to do more with less, and trying to put off spending on everything but the necessities. Yet, the West Muskingum and Mid-East school officials seem completely unaware of this.
These people pretend to think about the future, but not in the same worried way as we do. Why should they worry? They have a guaranteed supply of taxpayer money in good times and in bad. Property taxes have been very, very good for them, but have become a dreaded bi-annual "rent" bill for many of us.
They don't care if the seniors on fixed incomes or the working families who are already struggling to make ends meet must move because of high taxes. They get the taxes up to the day people leave and then with the new person who moves in.
It's difficult for me to understand the disconnect between the world economic conditions, the economic conditions in our country and all the way down to our community and the schools.
Just like the bureaucrats in Washington, these people don't have our best interests in mind and believe our money is their money and they know how to spend it better than we do.
I don't know about you, but I work hard for what I have and I will share it with others but when I choose, should I choose and with whom I choose. School officials need to do four things: Stop complaining, balance their budgets, get on with providing the students the best possible education they can with the funds they already receive from the taxpayers and the state, and finally leave the taxpayers' income alone.
Anti-tax voters usually don't organize, don't show up at public school meetings and don't spend lots of money to defeat school levies. However, come election day, they go to the polls and roar, "no." Without a doubt the election vote in May will be a battle between the taxpayers and the over-taxers.